# Configuration reference

# Sample configuration file

The sample configuration file shows all possible configuration options with their defaults for the ymir.yml file:

id: 1
name: project-name
type: wordpress
    architecture: x86_64
      commands: []
      include: []
    cache: cache-name
      cache_policy_assets: ymir-assets-policy
      caching: enabled
      cookies_whitelist: ['comment_*', 'wp-postpass_*', 'wordpress_*', 'wp-settings-*']
      default_expiry: 300
      excluded_paths: ['/wp-admin/*', '/wp-cron.php', '/wp-login.php']
      forwarded_headers: ['origin']
        - name: function-name
          type: viewer-request
      invalidate_paths: []
      image_processing_memory: 256
      origin_shield: disabled
      process_images: disabled
    concurrency: 10
    cron: 1
      server: database-server
      name: database-name
      user: database-user
    deployment: zip
    domain: []
    firewall: disabled
    gateway: http
    logging: enabled
    log_retention_period: 7
    network: network-name
    php: 7.4
    tags: []
    warmup: 1
      memory: 512
      timeout: 30
      memory: 1028
      timeout: 60

# Project configuration

Project configuration options are global to a project and apply to all environments.

# id

type: int required

The ID of the project in Ymir.

# name

type: string required

The name of the project.

# type

type: string required

The project type.

The possible values are:

# environments

type: array required

All the project environments. Configuration values for environments are covered in the next section.

# Environment configuration

Each key under the environments option is the name of the environment. Everything under that key is the configuration options for that environment.

# architecture

type: string default: x86_64

The CPU architecture used by the Lambda function. Allowed values are arm64 or x86_64.

Faster and cheaper with Arm64

Using the arm64 CPU architecture can make your Lambda function up to 20% faster at 20% lower cost. For backwards compatibility reasons, Ymir defaults to x86_64, but there are no downsides to using arm64 architecture.

# build

type: array

This is the array of values to configure the environment build. If the database value is a simple array, it'll be used as the commands value.

# commands

type: array

This is an array of build commands that the Ymir CLI will run when building your project. These commands are executed on the computer performing the build and not on the Ymir platform. If your build commands generate files, they'll get packaged along with the rest of your project files during deployment.

# include

type: array

This is an array of paths that you want to include in the environment build artifact. By default, Ymir will only add .mo and .php files to the build artifact to ensure a small build artifact. This lets you specify additional files or folders to add the build artifact besides the defaults.

# cache

type: string

The cache to use with your environment.

# cdn

type: array | string

This is the array of values to configure the environment's CloudFront distribution. If the cdn value is a string, it'll be used as the caching value.

# cache_policy_assets

type: string | false default: ymir-assets-policy

The custom CloudFront cache policy used for assets and uploads. Setting this option to false removes the cache policy and reverts back to use the legacy CloudFront cache configuration.

# cache_policy_content

type: string | false

The custom CloudFront cache policy used for the WordPress site content. Setting this option to false removes the cache policy and reverts back to use the legacy CloudFront cache configuration.

Overrides CDN options

If you decide to use a custom CloudFront cache policy for your WordPress site content, the following cdn options won't apply anymore: cookies_whitelist, default_expiry and forwarded_headers.

# caching

type: string default: enabled

This option controls the CloudFront distribution.

The possible values are:

  • enabled enables CloudFront distribution caching
  • assets only caches assets
  • disabled disables CloudFront distribution caching

Provisioning delay

Switching the caching value to enabled can cause your WordPress site to not load certain assets while the CloudFront distribution updates. This process can take as long as 40 minutes.

Full CloudFront caching disabled with REST API

If you have the caching set to enabled and the gateway option set to rest, the caching level will be downgraded to assets automatically. That's because REST APIs already have CloudFront page caching by default.

# cookies_whitelist

type: array default: ['comment_*', 'wp-postpass_*', 'wordpress_*', 'wp-settings-*']

The list of cookies ignored by CloudFront and always forwarded to your WordPress site. Supports * wildcard character.

Default cookies always added

The default cookies to whitelist will always be added to your project configuration during deployment. So if you need to customize the cookies_whitelist option, you can omit them.

# default_expiry

type: int default: 300

The default time (in seconds) that CloudFront will keep something cached.

# excluded_paths

type: array default: ['/wp-admin/*', '/wp-cron.php', '/wp-login.php']

The list of paths ignored by CloudFront and always forwarded to your WordPress site. Supports * wildcard character.

Default paths always added

The default paths to exclude will always be added to your project configuration during deployment. So if you need to customize the excluded_paths option, you can omit them.

Works with uploads directory

By default, CloudFront caches files in the /uploads directory for 24h. But some plugins use the /uploads directory to store dynamic files since it's the only writeable directory on a server. You can add these directories to have CloudFront exclude them from the cache.

Tailored to all project types

The project type will change default paths for non-WordPress projects. So you don't need to edit this for bedrock projects.

# forwarded_headers

type: array default: ['origin']

The list of headers that the CloudFront distribution will forward to your WordPress site.

10 header limit

CloudFront can only forward 10 headers to your WordPress site.

# functions

type: array

The list of CloudFront functions to associate with the CloudFront distribution. Each array entry must have a name and a type. The name is the name of the CloudFront function on AWS. Meanwhile, type can be either viewer-request or viewer-response.

# invalidate_paths

type: array

The list of paths cleared from the CloudFront distribution cache during the project deployment. Supports * wildcard character.

# image_processing_memory

type: int default: 256

The amount of memory used by the Lambda@Edge image processing function.

# origin_shield

type: bool | enabled | disabled default: disabled

Flag whether the CloudFront distribution will be configured with Origin Shield (opens new window).

Additional cost

Origin Shield isn't free. There's an additional cost for every 10,000 request that hits an origin. You can read more on the CloudFront pricing page (opens new window).

# process_images

type: bool | enabled | disabled default: disabled

Flag whether the CloudFront distribution will be configured with the Lambda@Edge image processing function.

# concurrency

type: int | false default: 10

This option controls the maximum number of website Lambda functions that can exist at the same time. (AWS calls this reserved concurrency (opens new window).) Setting this option to false removes the limit and allows unrestricted scaling.

Check out the guide

Looking for more information on how to configure your environment for high concurrency values? Check out this guide.

Overwhelming your database server

If your concurrency value is too high or disabled, your database server could get overwhelmed when a traffic spike hits your WordPress site. If this happens, you'll want to increase the capacity of your database server.

# cron

type: int | false default: 1

The interval (in minutes) that WP-Cron (opens new window) gets called by CloudWatch. Also controls the DISABLE_WP_CRON constant. If set to false, it disables the CloudWatch rule and renables the standard WP-Cron behaviour.

# database

type: array | string

This is the array of values to configure the environment's database. If the database value is a string, it'll be used as the server value.

# name

type: string default: wordpress

The name of the database used by the WordPress site.

Overwrites DB_NAME environment variable

If you configured the DB_NAME environment variable, be aware that Ymir will overwrite it with the name value.

# server

type: string

The database server used by the WordPress site. It can be the name of the database server if it's managed by Ymir or the host name of the database server otherwise.

Overwrites DB_HOST environment variable

If you configured the DB_HOST environment variable, be aware that Ymir will overwrite it with the server value.

# user

type: string

The user used by the WordPress site to connect to the database server.

Overwrites DB_USER environment variable

If you configured the DB_USER environment variable, be aware that Ymir will overwrite it with the user value.

# deployment

type: string default: zip

The deployment method to use for the project environment. Allowed values are image or zip.

Cannot rollback after changing deployment method

Once you deploy a project environment with a new deployment method, you won't be able to rollback to a deployment prior to the change in deployment method. Prior deployments will still be visible so you can see your deployment history. But trying to rollback to them will cause an error.

Check out the guide

Looking for more information on how to deploy using container images? Check out this guide.

# domain

type: array

The list of domain names mapped to the environment. You cannot have more than 99 domain names mapped per environment.

Domain name requirement

All domains names must either be managed by a DNS zone or have an issued certificate in the project region.

AWS quota limit

By default, you can only have 10 domain names per environment. This means that you can only have 9 domains mapped per environment. You can request a quota increase here (opens new window). That said, the maximum limit of domain name per certificate is 100.

# firewall

type: array | string | bool

This is the array of values to configure the environment's firewall. If the firewall value is a string, it'll be used as the acl value. If the firewall value is a boolean or disabled or enabled), it'll be used as the managed_rules value.

Check out the guide

Looking for more information on how to configure a firewall? Check out this guide.

Requires CloudFront caching

To protect your environment with a firewall, you must have CloudFront caching set to enabled.

Additional cost

Enabling a firewall on your environment isn't free. There's a fixed cost per month as well as a charge of $0.60 per 1 million requests. You can read more on the AWS WAF pricing page (opens new window). To save money, you should consider reusing your web ACL using the acl option.

# acl

type: string

The ARN (opens new window) of the custom web ACL used as the environment's firewall.

Overrides firewall options

If you decide to use a custom web ACL as your environment's firewall, Ymir will ignore all other firewall options.

# bots

type: array | bool

The list of bot categories that you want the firewall to protect against. Below is the list of available categories you may use. If you want to enable all bot categories, you may use true instead of listing all categories.

Category Description
CategoryAdvertising Bots used for advertising purposes
CategoryArchiver Bots used for archiving purposes
CategoryContentFetcher Bots fetching content on behalf of an end-user
CategoryHttpLibrary HTTP libraries often used by bots
CategoryLinkChecker Bots that check for broken links
CategoryMiscellaneous Miscellaneous bots
CategoryMonitoring Bots used for monitoring purposes
CategoryScrapingFramework Web scraping frameworks
CategorySecurity Security-related bots
CategorySeo Bots used for search engine optimization
CategorySocialMedia Bots used by social media platforms to provide content summaries (Verified social media bots are not blocked)
CategorySearchEngine Search engine bots (Verified search engines are not blocked)
SignalAutomatedBrowser Automated web browser
SignalKnownBotDataCenter Data centers typically used by bots
SignalNonBrowserUserAgent User-agent strings that don't seem to be from a web browser

Additional cost

AWS WAF bot protection is an additional cost on top of your existing AWS WAF bill. It costs $10/month and $1.00 per 1 million requests. You can read more on the AWS WAF pricing page (opens new window).

# managed_rules

type: bool | enabled | disabled

Flag that determines whether the firewall will be configured with some default AWS managed firewall rules. Below, you'll find the list of managed rules that Ymir will configure if you set this to true. If set to false, no managed rules will get configured and you can configure some yourself. You can read more about them here (opens new window).

Managed Rule Description
AWSManagedRulesAmazonIpReputationList Amazon IP reputation list rule group contains rules that are based on Amazon internal threat intelligence
AWSManagedRulesKnownBadInputsRuleSet Known bad inputs rule group contains rules to block request patterns that are known to be invalid and are associated with exploitation or discovery of vulnerabilities
AWSManagedRulesPHPRuleSet PHP application rule group contains rules that block request patterns associated with the exploitation of vulnerabilities specific to the use of the PHP programming language, including injection of unsafe PHP functions
AWSManagedRulesSQLiRuleSet SQL database rule group contains rules to block request patterns associated with exploitation of SQL databases, like SQL injection attacks
AWSManagedRulesWordPressRuleSet WordPress application rule group contains rules that block request patterns associated with the exploitation of vulnerabilities specific to WordPress sites

# rate_limit

type: int

Enables a rate limit rule that blocks requests from IPs that have made more than the configured amount of requests in a 5 minute time span. You may set a value between 100 and 20,000,000.

# gateway

type: string | false default: http

The gateway type used by the environment. Allowed values are http for HTTP APIs, rest for REST APIs or false to use Lambda function URLs (opens new window) instead of a gateway.

DNS changes when switching gateway types

Whenever you switch gateway types, the DNS records pointing to your environment will change. If Ymir manages the DNS zone used by your environment, it'll update your DNS records automatically. Otherwise, you will have to do it yourself. That said, even with a managed DNS zone, your environment will be briefly unavailable while the DNS changes propagate.

CloudFront mandatory when using Lambda function URLs

If your environment doesn't use a gateway (set gateway option to false), you must enable CloudFront to do all caching for it. This means that any caching option other than enabled (this is the default value) will cause your project validation to fail.

CloudFront page caching disabled with REST API

When using a REST API, it isn't possible to use CloudFront for page caching. That's because the REST API already caches response using CloudFront. If your CloudFront caching is set to enabled, it'll get downgraded to assets automatically.

# layers

type: array

List of Lambda layers (opens new window) ARN (opens new window) to use for your Lambda function. You cannot use more than 5 layers per Lambda function.

Ignored with container image deployment

Ymir will ignore this configuration option if deployment is set to image.

# logging

type: bool | enabled | disabled

Flag whether the environment's Lambda functions are allowed to write logs to CloudWatch.

# log_retention_period

type: int default: 7

Controls the duration (in days) that the environment's logs are retained in CloudWatch. Allowed values are 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 365, 400, 545, 731, 1827 and 3653.

# network

type: string

The network to use with your environment.

Overrides private database configuration

If your project environment uses a private database, Ymir will automatically connect your environment Lambda functions to the database's private network. However, setting the network option will override this. So if you're using a private database, it's important it be accessible from the configured network.

Can create a NAT gateway

If the configured network doesn't have a NAT gateway, a NAT gateway will be configured during deployment. A NAT gateway costs about $32/month billed by the hour and also has data transfer fees.

Slow deployment

Whenever you connect or disconnect a network, the next deployment will take between 5 and 10 minutes to modify your Lambda functions configuration.

# php

type: string default: 7.4

The PHP version used by the environment. The supported versions are 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3.

Ignored with container image deployment

Ymir will ignore this configuration option if deployment is set to image. Instead, you should specifiy the PHP version to use in your project environment's Dockerfile.

# tags

type: array

Associative array of up to 10 custom tags (opens new window) that will be added to your environment resources on top of the automatic tags added by Ymir.

Not available with personal subscription

Tagging environment resources isn't available with personal subscriptions. You must upgrade to an agency or enterprise subscription to unlock this feature. Please refer to the pricing page (opens new window) for details.

# warmup

type: int | false default: 1

The number of website functions that CloudWatch will keep warmed up. If set to false, it disables the warming up CloudWatch rule.

# console / website

type: array

This is the array of values to configure the environment's Lambda functions. There are two function nodes: console and website. console is the function used when running WP-CLI commands or any other background tasks. website is the function connected to the API gateway and that handles all the HTTP traffic.

# memory

type: int default: 512 for website and 1024 for console

The amount of memory used by the Lambda function. The website function has lower memory needs by default because most memory heavy tasks are handled by the console function. Both default memory values are the lowest amount possible without impact to performance. If you lower them more, there might be issues during your function execution.

Low memory termination

If a function goes over the memory limit during its execution, it gets terminated automatically. So it's important to configure to give it enough memory to execute the worst case scenarios.

Memory cost

Lambda charges based on the configured memory used. So more memory, means a higher Lambda bill. This isn't much of a concern for the console function since it won't get called a lot by default. But it's something to keep in mind when configuring the amount of memory that the website function has.

# timeout

type: int default: 30 for website and 60 for console

The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the Lambda function can run before Lambda terminates it. The maximum allowed values depend on the function type. website cannot have a timeout larger than 30 seconds. console can have a maximum timeout of 900 seconds (15 minutes).

API gateway timeout

The 30 second timeout limit for the website function is due to a limit with AWS API gateways. An API gateway will terminate a connection after 30 seconds. This isn't modifiable.

This can be a significant technical hurdle if your WordPress site has long running operations that take more than 30 seconds to complete. In that scenario, these long operations need to be offloaded to a WP-CLI command or some external service.